Picture Of Ulcer On Gums Should Liquor Bottles Carry Gruesome Pictures Too?

Should Liquor Bottles carry gruesome pictures too? - picture of ulcer on gums

Perhaps a European problem as everyone else .... EU countries, the cigarettes, produced terrible images that represent the dangers of smoking a pack more and more cigarettes.
Since alcohol is not harmful, are not reduced to images of the liver, ulcers, crashed cars and depending on bottles of alcohol, too?
If pictures of rotten teeth and body fat are put on the packages of chocolate and soft drinks?
What's good for the goose is good for the gander right?


Hannibal Lickter said...

Good point, but does not prevent me from buying the product - now or in the past.
The powers are just creating their own jobs, while increasing costs for small businesses and more to the point of those who drink and smoke, the more hardcore.
Warnings on packets Ciggie are actually doing more of a collector's item in my opinion.

Monica said...

Wow, have they not know that in Europe, which is really interesting.

I think that is the reason for this discrepancy that cigarettes seem less dangerous, because they are not immediately visible effect on people who smoke. But the effects of consumption are usually immediately obvious ... and it seems (at least for me) clear that we need everything that someone for defamation and shakes his words cause permanent damage.

Betty M said...

Absolute alcohol. Not in caramel, chocolate or cola. It would take some distance and do not believe that these things cause car accidents, broken families, or the cause of liver cirrhosis.

RougeRam... said...

No, I think tahta very unfair to those who are to eat and drink responsibly, because I rarely something extermly chocoloate rarely amybe and had a few times a year, No like chocolate in the week if at all.

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